How to Fight the Blank Page Woes?


Quite a bit. Yet, writing an essay that will determine your future can seem like a daunting task. How to start the essay that will land you in the college of your dreams? How to make sure it represents your many achievements? How, finally, to craft your essay in a way that gets you where you want to go?


A successful essay operates on the same principle as your favorite YouTube video or that episode of a TV show you watch on replay. Your essay must stand as a dramatic or cinematic piece, with a gripping hook, a sustained element of intrigue to attract the attention of an undoubtedly distracted admissions reader, and a clear overarching narrative arc.


The first step in constructing a StandOut essay is identify which elements of your story you would like to highlight in your application package and how best to present your achievements in writing.

Once we have built this foundation as a team, we brainstorm ideas for a narrative arc. When we settle on the idea, we help you break down the components of the story  into manageable assignments.

Our strategy is to scaffold the essay into ten steps, making each component easier to tackle.

In our experience a single successful essay requires around 10-13 revisions.